Constellations of Land in a Universe of Sea

Q is for Quay

What to do there: Write about movement. Sit and watch the world go by. Notice the differences between land and water and sky. If you don’t have a quay, a jetty will do, or a harbour, or a river bank. Tell the story of a character who transforms when they move from one element to the other and how this transformation impacts on their life, their relationships, and their daily routines.

The restless water is boisterous.

The river surges with laughter

and waves send their chorus of voices

out to sea.

The river carries the land

to the sea

bit by bit.

A young boy stands at the shore

breathing in the serenity around him.

He dips his toes gently into the river

and his mind begins to

become as clear as the

water he is in.

He smiles down at the

burbling river in motion

and feels his secrets float

to the sea.

He feels like the battle

between the high winds

and the winds.

But he wants to be

the ripples in the waves

 and the rolls

into the misty light.

I wrote this for my A-Z project, and I wanted to write a poem about it. It is just about a boy that is conflicted in his life and does not know what to do- so, he walks to the river by his house that always seems to calm him down. So, he stands in the water to try to get his thoughts together and finds himself wishing that he could be as gentle as the lake.

I loved to try to use descriptive words to describe movement in the water, and I didn’t realise how many different ways there were to describe water. Also, the ways to notice the differences between land and water and sky. I just mostly did the difference between the sky and the water and how much of a difference there is between them- other than just the obvious differences.  That is why I decided to also start to talk about a boy since there are differences and conflicts with the human condition. I had a fun time writing this and I can’t wait to write more pieces like this.

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